Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day in America

I got on the train today and my demo friends all were trying to be respectful. Their attempts not to "gloat" were funny really. This election was such an upset that it is an absolute clear mandate of what Americans want.

So, how can those of us in the minority face a new day in America? We can pray that Obama is wise and is safe. We can pray he will do what Bush did, and work to achieve the opposite of most of what he ran on. We can hope that the US can now get back to the business of doing business.

What can we do as individuals? That I haven't figured out yet. Try and make money and save as much as possible. Buy less because our taxes are most assuredly rising. Fight for capitalism. Avoid relying on a Republican Party that is so out of touch and so incapable of framing any debate that it takes Joe the Plumber to show them the way.

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