Monday, December 1, 2008

Say it ain't so

I get these alerts from various news organizations, and I generally read the WSJ so I will link here to the news that some brilliant folks have just determined that we have been in a recession since December of 2007. YES--I said 2007. This was determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research. This is a private nonprofit economic research think tank. They apparently house many Nobel winners in economics. I guess these are the guys to go to if you want to be absolutely, positively sure.....

Meanwhile, more Obama announcements and Hillary to boot! Market is down so far, big! I guess the news of Hillary's appointment did not make the markets less jittery, though, to be fair it really does seem that the markets have a lot of distortion in them right now.

I was away in the deep South this weekend and didn't follow the TV coverage of the terrorism in India. The stories I did read had one theme that we should all note. None of the private security in the big hotels in India can get pistol permits. The police also do not carry firearms. There were reports that the police in the train station ran away. Wouldn't you? So, in the face of terrorists armed with weapons, the gentle population had nothing to fight back with. What can we learn from this? In NYC we all know it will happen again. What happened to the nice guys with automatic weapons that used to be stationed in Grand Central?

If a bunch of gunman start storming parts of NYC and the police are not around, what would you do?


helensw5 said...

I do read, just in bunches. And I haven't been posting. Did the Indian police even have billy clubs as the British do? Not that they would be able to defend themselves with that. Maybe their governments think that billy clubs are really light sabers and the police will use "the force" to repel bullets. It worked in Star Wars, no?

salinda said...

Funny, I pointed this out to the kids as we heard the news unfolding. If just one good person was armed in some of those places, the attacks could have ended.

The police do carry bamboo sticks:

"B.S. Sidhu, head of the Railway Protection Force for the Mumbai region, says that while some officers tried to fight back, there was little his force could do. Most police officers at the station -- as they are throughout India -- were unarmed or carried only bamboo sticks known as lathis. More than 40 people, including three police officers, were killed in just a few minutes, authorities said. The wounded survivors screamed for help amid acrid smoke, piles of slumped, bloodied bodies and spilling suitcases." (From the WSJ,