Friday, January 30, 2009

I RANT Therefore I Am

Well I do not always agree with Peggy Noonan, but I think she got it right. Check out her piece today in the WSJ. She talks about how Obama is merely making news, not history. How instead of allowing Pelosi run wild, he should have insisted on a bill that was palatable to all Americans. There should have been some compromises, but there were NONE.

And how is it that everyone is getting "payback". The unions with a VERY bad bill that will take away secret ballots and make it impossible to avoid or decertify them. That will really "help" the little industry that has flourished in the right to work states. Back to back room politics and opacity.

The movie industry will get a hand out in terms of something like a 50% tax benefit on their equipment purchases. Why only the movie industry? Pay back for votes.

This president is allowing the worst crooks in Congress and the Senate to continue to amplify their dirty tricks. He is also upping the class warfare bit. All the evil is from "Wall Street".
This 837 Billion dollar budget is made up of pork. Only 12 cents on every dollar MIGHT be deemed a stimulus at all. There is nothing in it for small business which provides close to 80% of new jobs.

This is crazy. Make it stop. Too many people are losing their jobs, their homes, everything. And for a panic that has been promoted by Washington. When is the wonderboy Geitner going to DO SOMETHING!

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