Thursday, July 17, 2008

Join the Circus

I keep meaning to write so if you check my blog, read backwards...for I am writing about the past few days and will post backwards.
Today we took a candidate out to celebrate. He is a quiet intelligent fellow who landed a position with our help at the top investment bank. He will be a lawyer doing a non legal job. He is really nice and was telling us that though he starts on a Monday, he was offered the chance to join them for a team building exercise. So what does a top bank do for team building? Do they go to climb a mountain? Do they attend a workshop? Outward Bound? Nope. They run away and join the circus, natch!
I wondered aloud what he would do and he deadpans, "I don't know but I was told to bring shorts". It is quite a way to meet ones co-workers!
They will be doing circusy things. So I ask you as I asked him, what do you choose? Trapeze or clowning?


salinda said...


needleinahaystack said...

Not a surprise! I think I would be a clown...

Magpie said...

Lion taming.