Thursday, September 11, 2008

Political Leper

I was waiting on the train platform this morning with a friend who is a die hard democrat and another person (who I recognized from spin class) came up and started trash talking Palin. My friend shushed her and told her in a loud whisper "they are for the other side". The music almost played behind her....duh duh daaahhhh. The woman looked at me like I had three heads and then said, "You are kidding! FOR Palin?" All of this and I hadn't said a word yet.

She walked on the train with M and I and quickly hurried away. "I just can't talk politics is just to anxiety provoking for me". I turned to M and said, "this is a tough time to live in this town for me". She asked what I meant and I told her, "look, you introduced me as a Palin supporter(which I am not yet certain of by the way--we don't know enough yet before she talks to the press) and she immediately started talking about politics, did not hear a word from me and stalked off." M said, but she had to work. After a sidelong glance, she had to agree. and to her credit she apologized. What for? For putting me in that position, for putting me in a box etc.

She still didn't quite understand though. She gave me a Anna Quindlen article to read and when I told her what I thought, she said "we can't talk politics". I said she can not give me something to read, ask my opinion and then tell me she doesn't want to talk about it. I think she gets it now.*

It is always so interesting to me that people really want to dare you to tell them what you think, but they don't want to listen or even hear what you have to say if you don't agree.

*Here is an email she just sent me. She is a lovely person and, while we do not agree, I totally respect her.
Dear ____, I want to apologize for the way I introduced you to Robin this morning, it was totally in appropriate.
My consciousness was raised today, I am sorry that it was at your expense.

1 comment:

Magpie said...

So did you steal my sign?

Just kidding. It was non-partisan anyway.