Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Foodie's dilema

My pal S was on the train this morning, reading the sequel (?!) to The Omnivore's Dilema, another book by Michael Pollan. We were discussing how confusing it is to eat.
Well, it is, stop laughing. Pollan posits that it is so difficult to know what is healthy or not because we are so confused by modern nutritionists. The fads of no fat, low fat, no sugar, etc have left us with no idea.
There was a study about word association with a terrific rich cake. The Americans answered something about guilt or health or something while the French (I think) answered celebration.

I think some of this is really caused by the rise of marketing and advertising in the 60s and 70s. Food became more packaged, more marketed, more focus grouped.

Aside from making me hungry, I am thinking....when does Madmen come back on TV?

1 comment:

helensw5 said...

Mad men comes back on mid August, the 17th I believe. I was at Banana Republic and they're having a promo with MadMen so I saw it. It is confusing to eat. What's old is new again. Eat a little of everything. Now if I could only follow my own advice!