Monday, June 29, 2009

Shared Fortune

The other day I was on the train with my "kitchen cabinet" . My cabinet is the group of amazing women I ride the train with who give me practical business and personal advice. They are usually right on target.
Sometimes I get to give some advice too.
Last week one of my friends told me about the job opportunity she got. It is really exciting to get the chance to enter a new career and new challenge, particularly in this economy and as you are getting closer to 60. I have a very keen intuition, which probably helps in what I do for a living.
In any case she started telling me about telling her business partner she will leave the firm. I asked if she cried. She said how did you know? I don't know, I just did. Then she told me that they shared their fortune cookies and the fortune was "it takes a thousand shots to make the first basket". I said, but that wasn't yours, it was hers. Again she said how did you know that? Then I asked what was hers, she said it was about flexibility and her friend/partner is very inflexible. She was saying that for story telling purposes, she attributed the fortunes to the opposite person.
I told her that she shouldn't do that because it is most interesting to me that they shared their fortunes.
What is a fortune anyway? It refers to money, wealth, to the future. And after all, these are all things that they shared for years. In the future, she may be able to give her ex partner business. And in this economy, that may be the best "shared fortune" of all!

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