Monday, April 7, 2008

The Blog as Diet

If I could stop eating in front of the TV at night I would be MUCH thinner. It is a weird addictive thing. I have tried knitting, crosswords etc. Anything to keep my hands busy and now I realize what I must do.....BLOG.

Think of all the creativity that would be expended in the name of distraction. But then again, this is the problem in a nutshell. We are all too distracted. Too distracted to be mindful about what we are doing. When we are doing ten things at once. Right now I am thinking about work, typing this, listening to the TV in the next room and waiting for the phone to ring.

I tried Yoga. It was actually great but VERY hard. Bending into a human pretzel is one thing but attempting to try and clear your mind is nearly impossible for me. The one time I think I do approach it during the week is the 8:15 am spin class I go to on Sunday mornings. I go no matter what. I can be tipsy from the night before, but I never miss it. (My husband said last week that if someone licked him at the end, they would have been drunk because we had so much wine the night before!) It is like religion. The music is great and the lights are low and I sweat buckets. I can let my mind roam free and drift to happy times and places and dare to dream.

So I am one of those fit fat folks, who blogs.

1 comment:

helensw5 said...

You are 5 up on me. Fit fat folks: yes. Who blog: no -- or not yet. I can barely find the time to strip the beds. I still love the Muslim blog. I was going to link my clergy into your blog, then I realized TMI.
Anyway, good luck to blogging vs. eating. And don't go to book clubs where they put out wine, nuts, cheese and fruit. I did last night and ate another meal! Everyone else managed not to obsess over the food... but when did I ever want to be anyone else. Well maybe when I see their pants size!