My friend snapped this picture in the parking lot at the gym. There have been a whole flock of wild turkeys hanging out in the parking lot there for weeks. I wasn't there this morning and as you know from yesterday's post, I need to now work out this evening. She tried to coax it into the gym to join her for cardio. I think the bird is wondering about all of the humans going inside to push and pull at the machines, run miles and miles without going anywhere, cycle and go nowhere, and swimming back and forth ending up where we started. Who, exactly, are the turkeys?
Turkeys are actually an interesting American subject. Did you know Ben Franklin recommended they be the national bird. They are indigenous to the US and I remember it was impossible to get one when I lived in London in--gasp--1980. They don't look too bad, actually. And they are certain not birds of prey like the eagle. So what would that say about us? To have a humble bird vs. an eagle. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Many of you--if anyone is reading this--will wonder if it is an April Fool's joke. It is not!! But everyone deserves a smile, especially on there way to the gym. (I couldn't quite eat my turkey sandwich).
Everything should be kept in perspective of course. Next time you are really pissed off that a bird took a ---- on your car, think of this poor guy!
Happy April Fool's!
p.s. I think I am beginning to get the hang of this blogging thing. You can forward if you like. I was worried that people would know it is me--but honestly, I don't think I would write anything I wouldn't stand behind. That is not really in my nature anyhow.
LOL - if I tell my husband, he might run over there and try to catch one for dinner.
Tried to write you back last night but it didn't work. I feel like such a computer spazz. Anyway, nice photo and yes I knew about Ben Franklin. Ever see the movie (of the play) 1776? It's a musical and they have a whole song about the national bird.
Anyway, it's great to see how they've made a comeback!
We have a lot of wild turkeys here in Massachusetts too. Sometimes I have to stop my car and let the flock cross the street. (Why does the turkey cross the road??? Anyone??? Anyone???)
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